Tag: film composer

Killer Kabbage soundtrack recorded, mixed and mastered at the Battle Chamber

Killer Kabbage Soundtrack

The 5th Voyag3r album, Killer Kabbage (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) is out now in all formats!

Produced by Steve Greene at the Battle Chamber, the 18 track album is out now on all streaming platforms or if you like physical media, you can grab the CD, Cassette or Vinyl LP version now. Details below.


1. March of The Kabbage Heads
2. Origins of Kabbage
3. Smaller Barter Town / Titor’s Mission
4. Escape The Wasteland Marauders
5. Enter The Base / The Wormhole Device
6. Arrival to 2024
7. Garden of Eatin’
8. Security Footage / Meeting Cole S. Babbage
9. Wilson and Willyson
10. Discovery in the Science Lab
11. Catholic Clown College Massacre
12. Kabbage Heads Attack
13. Scooter Chase
14. Drinks and Conspiracies
15. Trail of Kabbage
16. Warehouse Fight
17. Giant Ass Kabbage / Worst of Both Worlds
18. Against The Killer Kabbage


SpotifyApple MusicDeezerYouTube MusicAmazon MusicTidal


CD and Cassette from the Voyag3r Store

(Cassette has an abridged track listing)

voyag3r-killer-kabbage-CD voyag3r-killer-kabbage-cassette

Vinyl – Translucent Green Kabbage Vinyl or Translucent Blood Soaked Kabbage Vinyl from Bellyache Records
(LP has an abridged track listing)


Here’s some information about the film: 

Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan (April 14, 2024) – A seven-year passion project has finally been completed. Our goofy parody comedy “Killer Kabbage” had its final render and has been submitted to several film festivals to begin its journey through the circuit. What began as a short film back in 2011 has had a rebirth into a feature-length film running a whopping 94 minutes! This was a collaboration of creative minds with a dedication to deliver an entertaining and funny adventure for the audience to experience.

With Hollywood rehashing and rebooting, it’s very rare when something original seeps through the cracks of the corporate industry. Although, wouldn’t this be considered a reboot of the existing short film from 13 years ago even though nobody watched it? Oh crap, we’ve already been sucked into the Hollywood reboot whirlpool!

Voyag3r completed a badass score that helped drive this picture from the dreaded post-production phase right into completion. I’ve always told my peers, music can either make or break a movie. And it’s their excellent music that definitely helps make this movie.

Animastor Studios, location in India, used their wonderful CGI talents to help bring this film from a micro-budget YouTube video to a passable Tubi movie experience. They took my very detailed ideas and brought them to life.

Finally, I couldn’t have done this without the cast and crew. They put just as much passion and energy into this film as I have with my countless late night hours in front of the computer editing. You guys rock.

There is no official release date yet, as the film festival circuit may or may not find us a distributor. After it’s run, I will have a pretty good idea on release. I will also be announcing dates and locations when festivals select the film to be shown at their venue.

Thank you all again. 2024 will see the rise of the Killer Kabbage.

-Michael A. Dotson


Killer Kabbage premiered at Motor City Nightmares Film Festival in Novi, MI on Saturday, July 27, 2024. The film also was chosen to play at eh following film festivals:

• GenCon

• Soo Film Fest

• Saint Ignace Film Festival

• Sudbury Indie Creature Kon (SICK) Film Fest

Information about the film Killer Kabbage streaming and physical release will be announced in early 2025.


Movie Theater Massacre finale scene scored by Voyag3r

Indie slasher film Movie Theater Massacre, written and directed by Ian Courtney, premiered at the 2023 Motor City Legacy horror convention as well as having its cast and crew screening at the Redford Theatre. Voyag3r scored the finale scene of the movie that was filmed at the historic Redford Theatre, near Detroit, MI. The film stars Jalen Wilson-Nelem, Adam DeFilippi, Caitlin Cavannaugh, LeJon Woods and Linnea Quigley.

Movie Theater Massacre Storyline from IMDB. “A group of employees are working their last week at a movie theater that is going out of business when a mysterious figure begins to murder people.” The poster art was illustrated by Graham Humphreys


The track, entitled “Slaughter Into Space”, was written and performed by Voyag3r and recorded, mixed and mastered here at the Battle Chamber by Steve Greene. Future screenings of the film will be announced soon. Listen to songs, scores and mastering Battle Chamber has done on the Sounds page.

Future is streaming on Tubi, Amazon Prime and Roku

Future (2017) a film written and directed by Get Super Rad team Rob Cousineau and Chris Rosik is streaming on Tubi, Amazon Prime and the Roku network.

2020 – UNRATED
Comedy / Fantasy / Science Fiction
A drunken, train-wreck time traveler offers a suicidally depressed barista a do-over with his life—there’s just one catch. Future is now streaming on Tubi, Amazon Prime and Roku.

Starting: Joshua P. Cousineau, Phreddy Wischusen, Claire Sloma, Conor Sweeney
Directed by: Rob Cousineau and Chris Rosik
Music by: Steve Greene

Future won “Best Score – Feature Film” at the Genre Blast Film Festival (2017) by composer Steve Greene. Recorded, mixed and mastered here at the Battle Chamber.

To hear a track from Future, visit our Sounds page. Check out the film trailer here.

Check out this blurb from Film Threat magazine:The fascinating part of Future is that it’s not necessarily about Doug being sent to kill a future bad guy, though that is a part of the story. It’s more about the relationship between Doug and the Time Traveler. Doug is the guy who has wasted his life to this point. The Time Traveler, on the other hand, has schemed his way with many other saps, like Doug, and gets off on being there for the final days of someone’s life. He promotes falling into hedonistic desires and goes along with it. It’s this conflicting relationship that makes the story of Future so clever and different. This genre is in desperate need of both of those elements.”